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1102 results:

Social Media Is an Intel Gold Mine. Why Aren’t Governments Using It?

“The dilemma of self-regulation—to platform or deplatform—becomes more complicated when social media becomes a gallery for illicit activities. Though one could argue Silicon Valley bears some…

I've been sanctioned by China – but that won't stop me speaking out over Xinjiang

“The evidence is clear: a genocide against the Uighurs is in progress. Britain must not put trade before human rights” (Helena Kennedy, 2021).

The Illiberal Tide

“The “liberal international order” is under severe strain. Although its supporters welcomed the defeat of former U.S. President Donald Trump, the order still faces major challenges from both within…

Capitalism won't save us from Covid, no matter what Boris Johnson might think

“Boris Johnson has attributed the UK’s vaccine success to “capitalism” and “greed”. Though these were crude remarks, if the prime minister’s words are any indication of his vision for how the UK can…

The Middle-Class Women of Iran Are Disappearing

“But the Trump administration then dealt a tremendous blow to Iranian women by reimposing sanctions on Iran, restricting oil sales and access to the global banking system, and pushing the economy…

Britain thinks it has won the gender equality war. That's a bad sign

“The British seem to have relegated gender inequality to the consigned-to-the-past category, with only 23% of those surveyed considering it a top concern. In this the British are an anomaly,…

The Fight Against Misinformation Isn’t Just on Facebook

“The plague of usually blamed on social media. But false and damaging information” is “also abundant in broadcast media, and as politicians debate whether or how to regulate…

There Are No Borders in a Climate Crisis

“The “crisis” at the border is dominating the news...this might also be a moment for thinking about what globalism means in a world where borders ultimately can’t offer protection against the most…

A Just Climate Transition for Africa

“​In 2021, developed countries must work with low-income, developing, and emerging economies to chart a path toward a low-carbon future – and clear barriers to progress. This means, first and…

Humanity's Awesome, Terrifying Takeover of Evolution

“CRISPR lets us edit other animals and plants, with all kinds of beckoning possibilities, some wonderful, some terrible. We cannot do all this yet. But it’s coming, and soon” (Ezra Klein, 2021).