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1102 results:

Against Identity Politics

Fukuyama explores how “identity politics has become a master concept that explains much of what is going on in global affairs” and how “all over the world, political leaders have mobilized followers…

This Is How Democracies Die

Levitsky and Ziblatt explore contemporary democratic backsliding and how it differs from the democratic fracturing of the past and takes place at the ballot box, through the co-optation of the media,…

The Populist Challenge to the European Court of Human Rights

“This article analyzes the position of the” European Court of Human Rights concerning the “unprecedented wave of populism in Europe” and “argues that the rise of populism not only intensifies the…

When Sanctions Violate Human Rights

This report examines how sanctions can violate human rights, particularly when states employ little transparency, and develops recommendations to prevent against human rights abuses committed through…

Democratic Offense Against Disinformation

This paper “is a road map for how countries can get ahead of foreign disinformation” and analyzes how “a structure for democratic defense against disinformation is emerging, consistent with the…

The United States and Central Europe: A Roadmap for a Democratic Post-Pandemic Agenda

This report examines democratic solidarity as the main principle for success in a post-pandemic world, examining policy on both sides of the Atlantic and in Central Europe related to democratic…

Protecting Democracy in an Age of Disinformation: Lessons from Taiwan

“This report examines Taiwan’s experience in combatting foreign and domestic disinformation” and how “the methods and tools employed by Taiwan’s government to combat disinformation and foreign…

Elevating Women Peacebuilders amidst Covid-19

This brief examines womens’ role in peacebuilding and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda highlighting how the participation of women in peace processes is essential to the durability and quality…

The Importance of Democracy

This article explores “What exactly is meant when people say ‘democracy’? Why is it assumed democracy should be the preferred form of government in the world? How does it compare to other models for…

Digital Standards are Key for Protecting Democracy

This piece explores how digital technical standards “shape the way societies engage with everyday technologies, from internet connectivity to 5G” and “reflect the values and visions of the engineers…