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1102 results:

The Attraction of the Big Man

Voters in a number of countries around the world have enthusiastically backed authoritarian leaders. Many reasons for this are evidently at play: a longing for stability, corruption, a sense…

Migration: The plight of the needy and oppressed

In Europe, the vast influx of refugees from Islamic countries has sparked an often bitter debate about identity and inclusiveness. In the United States, illegal immigrants have become a major issue…

The Challenge of Cybersecurity

The digital age has put our lives out on the marketplace, and we have begun to push back. Where is the line between privacy and cybersecurity? Who decides how much access governments should have to…

Keynote Speech

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson. Former Governor General of Canada delivers a speech on the refugee crisis, her history as a refugee, and the importance of democracy and democratic values in…

Islamist ideology

Islamist extremists have proclaimed Western democracies as their mortal enemy, and have devised new weapons to impose their ideology and to draw recruits. The beheadings of ISIS, the slaughter at…

Keynote speech

His Highness the Aga Khan delivers a keynote address to the Athens Democracy Forum, where he says that improving the quality of human life is the most important component of a successful democracy.

Is Liberal Democracy Universal?

It is a matter of gospel truth in Western democracies that our model of participatory democracy is universally applicable. But countries like China and Russia have formed functional societies in…

Gap between rich and poor

President Obama described the widening gap between the very rich and everyone else as "the defining challenge of our time." Is it? Why is it happening? Does it matter? How does it impact on how…