Founder, Missions Publiques
Yves Mathieu is the Founder of Missions Publiques, an organization established in 1998 to support governmental, public and private organisations in deploying innovative decision-making methods. Together with his team, he focuses on increasing societal trust and inclusivity through approaches such as open governance, citizen engagement, participatory diplomacy and stakeholder dialogues.
Yves played a significant role in advancing climate-related participatory processes in France, where designed the first climate assembly in France in 2007 and was instrumental in the Citizens' Climate Convention from 2020 to 2021. He also co-coordinated the European Citizens' Panels and the Plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and has been instrumental for the Democratic Odyssey project, aiming at experimenting a European transnational, travelling people's assembly as a way to improve the inclusivity of all levels of governance.
Additionally, Yves is deeply involved in international projects aiming at scaling deliberative approaches around the world and making sure that voices from the Global South are included. Since 2015, he has worked on developing decentralized deliberation methods across over 125 countries. More recently, Yves has been researching and experimenting "perma-democracy," an approach that treats collective decision making as a living system inspired by nature. His innovative "Three-Body Assembly" includes perspectives from future generations and the ecosystem. Permademocracy is also looking at how culture and democracy interwin and can support one another.