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1102 results:

What are the Qualities of a Good Participatory Process?

This database brings together resources with the aim of achieving “a vision of vibrant democracy, with people at the heart of decision-making” (Involve). This section includes information on…

How Do I Facilitate a Participatory Process?

This database brings together resources with the aim of achieving “a vision of vibrant democracy, with people at the heart of decision-making” (Involve). This section includes information on how to…

How Do I Evaluate a Participatory Process?

This database brings together resources with the aim of achieving “a vision of vibrant democracy, with people at the heart of decision-making” (Involve). This section includes information on…

Annual Report 2019/20: Fit For The Future

This report explores the need for a new approach to prevent democratic backsliding on the UK as “UK democracy was already under considerable strain before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, coupled with a…

Connections 2020: The Work of Democratic Citizenship

This report by the Kettering Foundation includes a set of experiments and findings related to democracy, democratic citizenship, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Democracy and Civic Life: What Is the Long Game for Philanthropy?

To explore where philanthropy might make more of a difference, the Kettering Foundation and the Knight Foundation invited leading thinkers on the future of our democracy to write about the challenges…

Kettering Review Fall 2020

"For much of the 20th century, politics was the province of elected leaders and expertise, aiming to fix problems without the public’s messy input. But what if the relationship between elected…

With the People: An Introduction to an Idea

"This Cousins Research Group Report… offers a strategy for bridging some of the divide separating the people of the United States from their government and from the country’s major institutions. It…

Seeking a New Relationship with Communities: How Local Elected Officials Want to Bridge Divides, Distrust, and Doubts

"The four key findings shared in this report show that many leaders are seeking a relationship with their community members, they worry about barriers to deeper community connection and about a…

Connections 2018: Experiments in Organizational Innovation

"The 2018 issue of Connections… focuses on experiments in organizational innovation… The issue highlights innovations in organizational forms intended to encourage the development of networks of…