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1102 results:

West is best: How ‘stabilitocracy’ undermines democracy building in the Balkans

"Srđa Pavlović argues that the West’s approach to the Balkans has suffered from what he terms ‘stabilitocracy’, with the EU and United States backing governments that promise stability, but have…

The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law

"This paper analyzes recent trends of democratic backsliding within the European Union (EU)" and provides "a comprehensive analysis of the essence of democratic backsliding by analyzing changes…

The Nature of Democratic Backsliding in Europe

"European democracy is in decline, as increasingly authoritarian leaders undermine the post–Cold War liberal order by targeting media freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law" (Lindberg 2018).

Kremlin’s Anti-Democratic Messaging and Disinformation in Europe

"The continuing rule of law problems and democratic backsliding, the rise of domestic populism and extremism, disruptive social media and technological developments, and authoritarian-state-driven…

Empowering EU against state capture through a new monitoring tool

"State a specific security risk for the EU" and "there is a lack of proper prevention and detection tools in place to curb corruption effectively in its many forms and across the…

Social democracy in the time of the virus

"Rather than worry about a Utopia that lies perpetually beyond the horizon, social democrats should be dedicated to the elimination of present evils and the expansion of practical freedoms" (Coats…

Deliberative democracy and progressivism

"Democracy doesn’t always best represent the interests of citizens. How can we make democracy more inclusive and transparent? Promoting active citizenship would be a good place to start" (Sotgiu…

Upgrading Democracy: ‘Soft Laws’ and The Ombudsman

"This paper makes an argument for the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman in Malaysia" which would "take on the crucial role of investigating and resolving disputes between citizens and…

Shifts in Support for Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Western Balkans

"The countries of the Western Balkans have experienced more than a decade of democratic backsliding. Analysis of survey results revealed that these trends were accompanied also by substantial changes…

Important step for the human rights and ecological orientation of the global economy

This treaty draft stipulates that “contracting States must oblige their companies to exercise human rights due diligence”, “obligations must apply not only to transnationally active companies, but…