
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Gender Justice in global Supply Chains

“This paper focuses on women and girls because of their strong presence in numerous supply chains. They experience economic human rights violations in different ways to men. The reasons for this range from discriminatory socio-economic structures and practices to patriarchal and class-based social and cultural norms” (Borkenhagen et al., 2020).

11 July 2020
This report “aims to unpack the various features and amplifiers of the COVID-19 emergency and its interlinkages with other crises, including the economic lockdown, increased job loss, hunger and homelessness...disparities of opportunity, wealth and power... racial and gender violence, discrimination... and escalating climate disasters” (Global Civil Society Report, 2020)
ASW –Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt, Brot für die Welt, CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung, FEMNET, FIAN Deutschland, Global Policy Forum, Marie-Schlei-Verein, materra, Plan International Deutschland, TERRE DES FEMMES, TransFair, WECF.

Shifts in Support for Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Western Balkans

"The countries of the Western Balkans have experienced more than a decade of democratic backsliding. Analysis of survey results revealed that these trends were accompanied also by substantial changes in citizens’ political attitudes. The support for a strong political leader has noticeably increased, while support for democracy has suffered a substantial decline" (Lavrič and Bieber, 2020).

11 June 2020
Miran Lavrič & Florian Bieber
Problems of Post-Communism

Autocratization by Decree: States of Emergency and Democratic Decline

"States of emergency grant chief executives the power to bypass democratic constraints in order to combat existential threats... States of emergency should be associated with a heightened risk of autocratization... This paper tests this relationship using data on sixty democracies for 1974 to 2016" (Lührman and Rooney, 2020).

11 April 2020
Anna Lührmann, Bryan Rooney
V-Dem Institute

Elections And Covid-19

This Technical Paper offers an initial overview of key points for electoral administrators, governments and civil society organizations on administering elections amid the continued spread of COVID-19. (IDEA, 2020)

26 March 2020

Democracy And Peacebuilding In The Framework Of Sdg 16+

This Discussion Paper was developed with input gathered from official key partner organizations that attended several gatherings to discuss the role of global and regional organizations in the advancement of SDG 16, held using the platform provided by the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Democracy at International IDEA. (Consuegra, 2020).

23 March 2020
Luis José Consuegra

Migration and Mobility After the 2020 Pandemic: The End of an Age?

“This paper sets an agenda for research on the future of human migration and mobility after the 2020 Pandemic” by examining ten questions related to migration and the impact of the pandemic on mobility (Gamlen, 2020).

11 March 2020
Alan Gamlen
Oxford Center on Migration, Policy and Society

Inequality and Support for Democracy: a Micro Perspective

This piece demonstrates how “perceived equality significantly increases support for democracy as a regime type, while feelings of being more unlike others significantly reduces support for democracy” (Isbell, 2020) and explores what drives democracy or endangers it in relation to inequality.

11 March 2020
Thomas Isbell
Center for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town

Rethinking global governance

“Institutional reform and change are easier said than done… governments cannot do it on their own….This publication … includes perspectives and recommendations from ‘unusual suspects’ including think tankers, academics, activists, journalists and representatives of the private sector” (Islam 2020).

4 February 2020
Friends of Europe

Civil Society and Post-Independence Democracy Levels

"The role of civil society for the consolidation of democracy is contested… This paper argues that the existence of democratic CSOs prior to democratic transition strengthen post-independence democracy whereas non-democratic CSOs have a detrimental effect" (Lührmann and Grahn, 2019).

11 January 2020
Sandra Grahn, Anna Lührmann
V-Dem Institute

Energy for development: ten years left to achieve SDG 7

The publication shows “it is possible to achieve SDG 7 well before 2030, and inform the next EU mandate on actions to take. The European Green Deal has a duty to go beyond Europe, and help nations around the world to transition towards sustainable economic and energy growth” (Islam 2020).

2 December 2019
Friends of Europe
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