
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Climate Justice Requires Women's Leadership

Only a third of leadership positions in climate-change negotiations are held by women, even though women are the most vulnerable to the worst effects of global warming. Absent the active participation of women and girls in local, national, and global climate strategies, a carbon-neutral future will remain out of reach

24 March 2022
Laura Chinchilla, Maria F. Espinosa

The World Must Avoid Another Food Crisis

It is becoming clear that the Ukraine war’s economic and humanitarian repercussions – especially rising food prices – will be felt far beyond Europe. The international community must act now to prevent some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people from becoming collateral damage.

23 March 2022
Ngozi Okonjo- Iweala

How Boric’s new social contract in Chile can succeed

By introducing principles of fiscal progressivity into its new constitution, Chile can end the vicious cycle of inequality. If he wants to keep his promise and negotiate a new social contract, the 36-year-old president-elect will have to tackle reforming taxation.

13 February 2022
Ricardo Martner

Submerged by COVID

Major economic forecasters like J.P. Morgan and S&P Global Ratings are painting a rosy picture of emerging markets’ growth prospects this year. But there are multiple reasons to believe that the consensus view will soon prove to be unsustainable.

12 January 2022

The Missing Data in the Inflation Debate

With inflation growing at its fastest rate in decades, economists are locked in a debate over whether it stems from too much stimulus or from temporary, pandemic-induced supply-chain pressures. Less discussed are the ways that the pain of inflation may not be shared equally.

30 December 2021
Austan Goolsbee

How to Make COVID-19 Vaccines Available to All

Unequal vaccination coverage cannot be magically fixed by creating more equitable manufacturing capacity. To tackle this problem, governments, international institutions, and businesses must take concerted action to improve vaccine deployment, cold chain capacity, and the supply of ancillary goods, such as syringes.

27 December 2021
Prashant Yadav

Break the Vaccine Monopolies Now

During the HIV/AIDS epidemic a generation ago, African countries were priced out of lifesaving drugs by pharmaceutical firms that prioritized profits over lives. If rich countries had learned the lessons of that historic injustice, the world might be celebrating the end of COVID-19, rather than bracing ourselves for another wave.

27 December 2021

Fighting Inflation Means Taking On Corporations

As Mr. Biden leans on big businesses to temper rising prices, he also needs to push hard for policies that have a much greater impact than fluctuations in gas or meat prices: His stalled Build Back Better legislation would go a long way to ease the burden of major expenses.

24 December 2021
Meg Jacobs

What We Lose if We Don’t Build Back Better

What I do know is that there will be huge human and, yes, economic costs if Biden’s moderate but crucial spending plans fall by the wayside.

20 December 2021
Paul Krugman

Lifting the Lid on Global Inequality

The reality captured by the World Inequality Report 2022 reflects human choices, which means that it can be changed by making other choices. That is why the report is not just a valuable compendium of useful data and analysis but also a guide to action.

13 December 2021
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