
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Don’t Cede the Space Race to China and the Billionaires

Exploration and the pursuit of knowledge, have always paid dividends in the long run — usually far greater than anything expected at the outset. Why bother? This is why.

18 February 2022
Jeff Shesol

Submerged by COVID

Major economic forecasters like J.P. Morgan and S&P Global Ratings are painting a rosy picture of emerging markets’ growth prospects this year. But there are multiple reasons to believe that the consensus view will soon prove to be unsustainable.

12 January 2022

The End of the Economic Consensus

Whereas the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic initially prompted unity and convergence in Europe, the current phase of the crisis is much more delicate economically and politically. If mismanaged, it may reopen old wounds and shatter policymakers’ newly acquired legitimacy.

29 November 2021

The Supply-Chain Crisis Is a Labor Crisis

Governments around the world have failed transport workers. But it’s not too late to help them.

17 November 2021
Guy Platten

Let’s Make Google a Public Good

This article makes the case that as “a public utility, Google search would have to give others a better shot. Those searching would get results that are not skewed to Google, and the marketplace would be a bit more competitive” (Dave Yost, 2021).

6 July 2021
Dave Yost
The New York Times

Securing Supplies: How to Prevent Another Covid-19 Breakdown

According to AEI,, “the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of global supply chains during crises”, and it is impossible for any contemporary liberal democracy to build “all its needs domestically.” The report highlights that “governments must work with the private sector to exercise crisis scenarios”. (AEI, June 2021).

11 June 2021
Elisabeth Braw
American Enterprise Institute

Silicon Valley's Thin Skin''s and Giant Egos

“From allegations that Bill Gates had been coming on to Microsoft employees to the $22.5 million settlement of a gender discrimination suit against Pinterest, women in Silicon Valley are speaking out against what is still a male-dominated culture” (“Sway” Podcast, 2021).

6 June 2021
Produced by ‘Sway’
The New York Times

The Rise of Shareholder Politics

“Traditional corporate-finance models are based on the premise that what shareholders want is to maximize stock value. Pressing companies to take action on various public-interest at odds with this premise. Why would supposedly profit-maximizing investors concern themselves with social, environmental, or ethical matters?” (Roberto Tallarita, 2021).

6 June 2021
Roberto Tallarita
The Atlantic

Krugman Wonks Out: Do Hiring Headaches Imply a Labor Shortage?

“Two things are clear about the U.S. economy right now. It’s growing very fast, and adding jobs at a rapid clip; but the pace of job creation is being crimped, at least a bit, because employers are having a hard time finding as many workers as they want to hire” (Krugman 2021).

3 June 2021
Paul Krugman
The New York Times

Capitalism Doesn't Have to Be That Way

“Today’s paramount form of capitalism is not the only possible variant, nor was the volatile, boom-and-bust, panic-prone one that prevailed for most of two centuries through the Great Depression. An alternative form of capitalism placed a higher value on social stability than on the pursuit of more” (Zachary Karabell, 2021)

21 May 2021
Zachary Karabell
The Atlantic
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