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Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

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From "Elite Charade" to Real Change

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

The Business Case for Democracy

This paper “presents a business case for democracy, focusing on the impact of democracy on economic growth... It discusses four factors pertaining to data quality and modelling choices, suggesting that several previous studies have underestimated the growth-benefits of democracy… and the relationship between democracy and economic crises and variation in economic performance" (Henrik Knutsen, 2020).

11 October 2020
Carl Henrik Knutsen
V-Dem Institute

International Journal of Human Rights: Special Issue on human rights and economic policy reform

This volume “brings together experts working on human rights and economic policy from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including economics, law, and development studies” (International Journal of Human Rights, 2020).

11 October 2020
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

A Rights-Based Economy: Putting people and planet first

“In this publication, the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) and Christian Aid – two international organisations working for human rights and economic justice – ask: what would it look like if we had an economy based on human rights?” (Donald et al., 2020).

11 October 2020
Kate Donald, Ignacio Saiz, Sergio Chaparro, Allison Corkery, Marianna Leite, Nadia Saracini, Matti Kohonen
ChristianAID, Center for Economic and Social Rights

America’s future of work

"As intelligent machines enter the workplace, some occupations are shrinking. At the same time, the economy is generating new jobs—although they may be different occupations in different locations. What does the future of work hold for places and people across the United States?" (McKinsey & Company, 2020).

11 October 2020
McKinsey & Company

Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond

This briefing paper looks at the financing for development (FfD) work at the United Nations in 2020, an exceptional year due to the outbreak of the global coronavirus crisis in the spring.

11 October 2020
Global Policy Forum, Brot fur die Welt, Misereor

Important step for the human rights and ecological orientation of the global economy

This treaty draft stipulates that “contracting States must oblige their companies to exercise human rights due diligence”, “obligations must apply not only to transnationally active companies, but also to local and State-owned companies”, and highlights “the significance of the terms "human rights violations" and "business relations"” (Treaty Alliance Germany, 2020).

11 September 2020
Treaty Alliance Germany

Stocks are Soaring. So is Misery

“The economy probably doesn’t feel so great to the millions of workers who still haven’t gotten their jobs back and who have just seen their unemployment benefits slashed. The $600 a week supplemental benefit enacted in March has expired, and Trump’s purported replacement is basically a sick joke” (Paul Krugman, 2020).

20 August 2020
Paul Krugman

Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains

"Applying MGI’s micro-to-macro methodology, this report considers the issues and investment choices facing individual companies as well as the implications for global value chains, trade, and national economies. . It builds on a large multiyear body of MGI research on topics such as global value chains and flows, manufacturing, digitization, and climate risk" (McKinsey & Company, 2020).

6 August 2020
McKinsey & Company
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