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1102 results:

How Trumpism May Endure

“One hundred and fifty years after the emergence of the Confederate Lost Cause ideology, a new Lost Cause invaded the U.S. Capitol with the incitement of the president of the United States. Waving…

The Myth of American Innocence

“This willful act of forgetting — compounded by the myth of American innocence — has shown itself to be allowed many Americans to view the president’s insistence that he had won an…

Shaken Nation Needs to Reinvent Democracy

“It has been the erosion of these mediating institutions in modern democracies that has led to the all-out partisanship and stark polarization that today puts republics at risk just as the founders…

Trump’s legacy—the shame and the opportunity

“The election myth that Mr Trump has spun may thus have broken the feedback loop needed for the party to change. Ditching a failed leader and broken strategy is one thing. Abandoning someone whom you…

Can Regulation Douse Populism’s Online Fires?

“The storming of the U.S. Capitol should not come as a surprise to those who have been tracking the impact of social media on activism and political campaigning...what has happened in the United…

How to Ensure This Never Happens Again

“With even the soon-to-be Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, now conceding that elections are not supposed to look like this, the months ahead may present a once-in-a-generation opportunity to…

The Big Bounce-Back?

“Following the 2008 financial crisis, many policymakers failed to focus sufficiently on securing robust, inclusive, and sustainable long-term growth. To avoid repeating this mistake in 2021 as the…

It Wasn’t Strictly a Coup Attempt. But It’s Not Over, Either.

“Experts say recent actions by President Trump and his loyalists are harder to stop than a coup — citing anti-democratic slides in Turkey and Venezuela as closer examples” (Amanda Taub, 2021).

It Happened in America

“It was always dismiss the worst-case scenarios as the product of alarmist academics, overly imaginative Trump haters, biased liberal commentators, and disgruntled former officials.” Could…

America Can’t Promote Democracy Abroad. It Can’t Even Protect It at Home.

The January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol is “​​a sign of how broken U.S. foreign-policy debates are that the primary reaction from many commentators was to worry about America’s moral authority and…