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1102 results:

Tweeting Left, Right & Center: How Users And Attention Are Distributed Across Twitter

"More than 48 million Americans use Twitter, one of the most popular social networking platforms, and one used extensively by media and political junkies. This study analyzed more than 86 million…

State Of Public Trust In Local News

"This study — part of Knight Foundation’s Trust, Media and Democracy initiative with Gallup — probes Americans’ perceptions and assessments of local media in depth. It finds that Americans mostly…

Common Goals, Different Approaches: How Five Cities Reimagined Their Public Spaces

"The disparate approaches chosen by the five cities… show clearly that there’s no simple right or wrong answer to the question of how to create a better civic commons. Instead, they offer different…

Crisis In Democracy: Renewing Trust In America

This is the Knight Commission's report on Trust, Media and Democracy from 2019.

Disinformation, ‘Fake News’ And Influence Campaigns On Twitter

"This study is one of the largest analyses to date on how fake news spread on twitter both during and after the 2016 election campaign" (Knight Foundation, 2018).

Sur­viv­ing the Storm: Liberal Democ­racy in Times of Change

"Society is caught up in a whirl­wind of change. The power of liberal democ­ra­cies is dwin­dling and the polit­i­cal balance in the world is shift­ing. An inter­view with Ralf Fücks on what to…

Enabling Media Markets to Work for Democracy

“This study outlines the case for, and the practical feasibility of establishing, a new International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM)” which would “ focus mainly on resource-poor settings…

Digital engagement and democratic improvement

"This new research aims to update some of the usual democratic debates while establishing a factual basis that allows us to consider ways technology can help improve the quality of democracy. Digital…

Does increased ‘participation’ equal a new-found enthusiasm for democracy?

"2019 doesn't appear to be the year of a great global turnaround for democracy. Yet, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) also found a considerable increase in political participation worldwide.…

Defending democracy from disinformation, polarization, and tribalism

"This work begins with an international alignment around a set of principles -- the rights and duties of a Digital Democracy Charter. And it makes change through the implementation of an Action Plan…