Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Confronting the Kremlin's New Hybrid War in Europe

With the Kremlin intent on dividing and weakening the European Union, and now probing for vulnerabilities, Western powers must come together and issue a forceful response. History has shown that there must be no accommodation or turning a blind eye to Russian military, political, and economic provocations.

18 November 2021
Åslund Andres

Long Live Participatory Socialism!

I used to believe socialism was a failed idea. But then capitalism went too far. Now, I believe we need a socialism that is decentralized, federal and democratic, ecological, multiracial and feminist.

18 November 2021

Neoliberalism wrecked our chance to fix the climate crisis – and leftwing statements of faith have changed nothing

Atmospheric carbon does not care about culture war. Neither should we.

17 November 2021
Jeff Sparrow

Electoral Choice in Multidimensional Party Systems

The authors find that “by factoring in the measurement of issue dimensions, economic issues have a stronger impact than recognized using previous methodologies, with more modest cultural influences on voting. Moreover, there are significant cross-over effects of the two cleavages in voters’ choices” (Berning and Dalton, 2021).

11 October 2021
Carl C. Berning, Russell J. Dalton
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine

The Uses of Sanctions in Foreign Policy: Nicaragua’s Elections 2021

"Feinberg, professor at the University of California, San Diego, and former official in the White House and State and Treasury Departments, argues that the Biden administration and others in the international community face an urgent decision: “With a rational appraisal of [their] limited leverage, how far can they push [President Daniel] Ortega to yield some of his advantages?” (Feinberg, 2021).

11 October 2021
Dr. Richard E. Feinberg
Wilson Center

Participation vs representation: Councillor attitudes towards citizen engagement

"Using a survey of local councillors, this research explores how their awareness and perceptions of citizen participation is affected by political party or political situation. This includes a councillor's personal partisan identity, but also the political balance of the council. The survey identified partisan and structural factors that shape the perceptions of local representatives of citizen participation" (Parsons and Rumbul, 2021).

11 October 2021
Alex Parsons, Rebecca Rumbul
My Society, Public Square

World Report 2021

"World Report 2021, Human Rights Watch’s 31st annual review of human rights practices and trends around the globe, reviews developments in more than 100 countries" (Human Rights Watch, 2021).

11 October 2021
Human Rights Watch

Politicians should take citizens’ assemblies seriously

“Citizens’ assemblies are often promoted as a way to reverse the decline in trust in democracy, which has been precipitous in most of the developed world over the past decade or so...politicians, a common complaint runs, have no understanding of, or interest in, the lives and concerns of ordinary people. Citizens’ assemblies can help remedy that” (Leaders, 2020).

19 September 2021
The Economist

Washington's Democracy Dilemma

“A democracy summit is not a democracy strategy. Translating Biden’s rhetorical emphasis on democracy support into a meaningful plank of his foreign policy will require his team to grapple head-on with several thorny dilemmas” (Brown and Carothers, 2021).

23 July 2021
Frances Z. Brown, Thomas Carothers
Foreign Affairs

New Report On Covid-19 And Democracy Calls For Urgent Measures By Governments And Civil Society

A new report, ‘Global Democracy and COVID-19: Upgrading International Support’, highlights how some governments are using the public health crisis to further curtail democratic activities and provides recommendations for policymakers and civil society to counteract the negative impacts of Covid-19 on democracy.

15 July 2021
Richard Youngs, Carnegie Europe, Elene Panchulidze
European Endowment for Democracy International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
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