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The Next Global Order Will Challenge Western Values
Instead of trying to make an unaccommodating world in its image, a post-hegemonic West should seek to fortify a model that others want to emulate.
Has the West fallen for Putin’s tricks in Ukraine?
Russia wants to see Nato rolled back – and Ukraine is far from its only pawn in the game. The West has been fixated for more than two months on Russian preparations to mount a new land invasion of Ukraine. Except, it hasn’t happened – and it’s not likely to happen, at least in the form that’s most commonly imagined.
Bring Back the Free World
At some point in the last 30 years, the concept of the “free world” fell out of favor. But we urgently need to restore the concept to its former place, both for its clarifying power and its moral force.
Stop Panicking About Ukraine—and Putin
The evidence so far points to Russia looking toward talks, not invasion. The initial reaction was set off by Russia’s movement of military assets within the Southern and Western military districts. The movements did not even represent a serious addition of forces to these command areas but a repositioning of different assets.
How the Euro Divided Europe
When eurozone finance ministers recently issued a joint paean to the single currency on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the introduction of euro banknotes and coins, something remarkable happened: Nothing. No one joined in the celebrations, and no one cared enough to dissent.
10 Ideas to Fix Democracy
Foreign Policy brought together 10 prominent thinkers to share their most important fixes to reform the workings of democracy, defend it against its enemies at home and abroad, and ensure it survives and thrives by better serving the people it governs.
In an era of right wing populism, we cannot destroy democracy in order to save it?
Democracy isn’t an institution – it’s a practice that becomes stronger through use. The key to defeating Trump lies in mobilising ordinary people to articulate their real needs
America Doesn’t Control the Forever Wars
The characteristics shared by early modern and contemporary states as well as other political entities contribute to lingering conflicts, chronic conflicts, and recurrent conflicts. What Biden or anyone else wants may not be as relevant as the deeper structural factors that shape states’ actions.
To Fight Covid, We Need to Think Less Like Doctors
Caring for an individual and protecting a population require different priorities, practices and ways of thinking. While it may sound counterintuitive, to heal the country and put our Covid-19 response on the right track, we need to think less like doctors.
Boris Johnson’s Watergate
Britain’s “minister of chaos” may be forced from office for—what else?—partying on the job. Whether he likes it or not, Johnson is now the evil king in the great Partygate scandal. That story has been written. As such, he is now close to his end, for the sake of a national rebirth from this sordid tale of contempt.
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