
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Biden and Moon Are Getting North Korea Wrong

“Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Moon’s approach to the North Korean nuclear crisis is doomed to failure because it effectively places Mr. Kim in charge of nonproliferation negotiations. Thirty years of dealing with the Kim family should have taught us that Pyongyang uses talks only for diplomatic cover in its race to build an ever more powerful arsenal” (Eberstadt 2021).

26 May 2021
Nicholas Eberstadt
The New York Times

Vaccinate the World! The Best Investment Ever.

“Wealthy countries would do so much better economically with a global vaccination campaign that curbed the pandemic that they would generate an additional $1 trillion in tax revenue, the I.M.F. calculated. In short, this vaccine initiative would pay for itself many times over simply in extra tax revenue” (Nicholas Kristof, 2021).

26 May 2021
Nicholas Kristof
The New York Times

Japan’s Olympic-Sized Problem

Regarding the Japanese Government and Japan’s plans to host the Olympic Games, “​​the government’s inept response to the coronavirus pandemic has led to widespread discontent about hosting the Games” (Matt Alt, 2021).

16 May 2021
Matt Alt
The New Yorker

No One Is Coming to Help the Palestinians

Iran continues to brandish the Palestinian cause to shore up its anti-imperial credentials and project power in the region, posing as the only true defender of the Palestinians...this is why the Biden administration must view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a piece of the wider puzzle as it seeks to revive the nuclear deal with Iran” (Kim Ghattas, 2021).

16 May 2021
Kim Ghattas
The Atlantic

We’re Not Ready for the Next Big Climate Disasters

“It will take decades to achieve the enormous reductions required globally; in the meantime emissions will continue and so will the warming. That’s why the nation has much at stake in bolstering communities, highways, rail lines, water systems and the like now against the devastating consequences of climate change” (Victor, Frank, and Gesick, 2021).

14 May 2021
David G. Victor, Sadie Frank and Eric Gesick
The New York Times

The Intelligent Forest

“Recognizing that forest ecosystems, like societies, have elements of intelligence would help us leave behind the old notion that they are inert and predictable” (Suzanne Simard, 2021).

11 May 2021
Suzanne Simard
Noema Magazine

Digital Standards are Key for Protecting Democracy

This piece explores how digital technical standards “shape the way societies engage with everyday technologies, from internet connectivity to 5G” and “reflect the values and visions of the engineers that develop them”, and the role these standards play in fighting authoritarianism (Wilkinson, 2021).

11 May 2021
Isabella Wilkinson
Chatham House

Help India Now

“The international community must join forces and develop a collective approach to help India address its COVID-19 crisis, not only for moral reasons, but also because the health of other countries’ populations and economies are at stake. Governments can take several steps to mitigate the impact” (Junaid Nabi, 2021).

10 May 2021
Junaid Nabi
Project Syndicate

Next Steps for a People’s Vaccine

“The Biden administration’s decision to stop opposing a proposed COVID-19 waiver of certain intellectual-property rights under World Trade Organization rules is a welcome move. But ending the pandemic also requires scaling up knowledge and technology transfer, as well as public production of vaccine supplies” (Ghosh 2021).

6 May 2021
Jayati Ghosh
Project Syndicate

It’s good Biden is suspending vaccine patents. But the whole rotten system needs overhaul

“To prepare for a long century of recurring health emergencies – the temporary Trips suspension must give way to a total transformation of the pharmaceutical patent system. Pausing the gears of the killing machine is not enough. Our obligation is to dismantle it” (Adler and Anyona, 2021).

6 May 2021
David Adler and Mamka Anyona
The Guardian
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