Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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The Athenian Plague, A Cautionary Tale

“The plague reminds us that the legacy of the eternal “wonder” of Athens contains within it a cautionary tale: the failure of democratic society to cope with a lethal epidemic. The model of how democracy began is also a study in how it can founder and fall” (Gary Bass, 2020).

10 June 2020
Gary Bass
The New Yorker

Gender-Responsive Handbook Supports Equality in Policymaking

"The interactive training features step-by-step modules on the policy process including problem identification, policy implementation and oversight... By sharing these lessons, WDN aims to make women better equipped to inspire positive change in their communities and countries" (Women’s Democracy Network, IRI, 2020).

31 May 2020
Women’s Democracy Network, IRI

The End of the New World Order

“It’s a mistake to believe most conspiracy theories, but it’s also a mistake to assume that they bear no relation to reality. Some are just insane emanations or deliberate misinformation. But others exaggerate and misread important trends rather than denying them, or offer implausible explanations for mysteries that nonetheless linger unexplained” (Ross Douthat, 2020).

23 May 2020
Ross Douthat

Can Europe Stay Back From the Brink?

“​​After three months of chaos and deaths caused by the pandemic, the continent, led by Germany and France, is giving convergence another try” (Sylvie Kauffmann, 2020).

22 May 2020
Sylvie Kaufmann

Countries should seize the moment to flatten the climate curve

“The pandemic both reveals the size of the challenge ahead and also creates a unique chance to enact government policies that steer the economy away from carbon at a lower financial, social and political cost than might otherwise have been the case” (Leaders, 2020).

21 May 2020
The Economist

Democratic digital infrastructure

This report details “policy recommendations for the UK and US” regarding the authors’ proposal to consider “moving in the direction of treating digital connectivity as a right and organising digital a vital 21st century public good, underpinned by democratic ownership and governance” (Hanna et al., 2020).

18 May 2020
Thomas Hanna, Mathew Lawrence, Miriam Brett, Adrienne Buller
The Democracy Collaborative

Communications and COVID-19: Fundamentals for Effective Government to Citizen Crisis Communications

“This Recovery and Resilience Note looks at response and recovery communications for governments and public officials, focusing on effective citizen-centric communications during times of crisis that can be applied at the local and national levels of government during the COVID-19 crisis" (Institute for State Effectiveness, 2020).

6 May 2020
Institute for State Effectiveness

The New Great Depression Is Coming. Will There Be a New New Deal?

“As we approach this year’s election, we’re looking at an abyss. The question is what will fill it. Societal disaster can have horrific political consequences: Around the world, despots are using the pandemic as an excuse to grab ever more power. But the need to rebuild the country comes with opportunities” (Michelle Goldberg, 2020).

2 May 2020
Michelle Goldberg

We the People, in Order to Defeat the Coronavirus

“There are times when government must curtail individual freedoms to protect the public. But those measures must end once the threat passes” (NYT Editorial Board, 2020).

1 May 2020
editorial board

In A Crisis, True Leaders Stand Out

“Leadership may be hard to define, but in times of crisis it is easy to identify. As the pandemic has spread fear, disease and death, national leaders across the globe have been severely tested...the master class on how to respond belongs to Jacinda Ardern, the 39-year-old prime minister of New Zealand” (NYT Editorial Board, 2020).

30 April 2020
editorial board
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