Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Why U.S. Drone Strikes Are at an All-Time Low

“U.S. Drone Strikes Are at an All-Time Low. The shift comes as the White House seeks to downgrade the threat of global terrorism after 20 years of “forever wars”” (Hirsh 2021).

1 July 2021
Michael Hirsh
Foreign Policy

India Looks West

“A hostile China and the looming US withdrawal from Afghanistan have forced India to rethink its regional strategy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has thus sought to improve relations with Pakistan and engage with the Taliban – and for now, at least, it appears to be making the right moves” (Tharoor 2021).

1 July 2021
Shashi Tharoor
Project Syndicate

The Internet Is Rotting

The “absence of central control, or...central monitoring, has long been celebrated as an instrument of grassroots democracy and freedom...but more recently, these features have been understood to facilitate vectors for individual harassment and societal destabilization, with no easy gating points through which to remove or label malicious work...or to quickly identify their sources” (Jonathan Zittrain, 2021).

30 June 2021
Jonathan Zittrain
The Atlantic

The End of Globalization as We Know It

“​​The tension between the unprecedented need for global collective action and a growing aspiration to rebuild political communities behind national borders is a defining challenge for today’s policymakers. And it is currently unclear whether they can reconcile the two agendas” (Pisani-Ferry 2021).

28 June 2021
Jean Pisani- Ferry
Project Syndicate

The New Racism Won’t Solve the Old Racism

Three cases are “all variations of the same basic debate between newfangled equity and old-fashioned equality — between those” who seek “antiracist discrimination” to remedy past forms of racial discrimination, and those who... think we can stop discrimination on the basis of race without discriminating on the basis of race” (Stephens 2021)

28 June 2021
Bret Stephens
The New York Times

The Geopolitics of Empathy

An important lesson in geopolitics is “ do this does not require agreeing with their view; it is about grasping how others see a situation and understanding why they are acting as they’s harder to persuade a rival to alter its behavior if you don’t understand its origins” (Stephen M. Walt, 2021).

27 June 2021
Stephen M. Walt
Foreign Policy

What Progressives Want, and What Conservatives Are Fighting

“The debate over how American schools should teach about race and racial history has reached a curious juncture, in which it’s becoming hard to tell what the argument is about. On the one hand you have conservative state lawmakers taking aim at progressive ideas with scattershot legislation” vs progressives “denying that they are interested in anything radical” (Douthat 2021).

26 June 2021
Ross Douthat
The New York Times

Who Controls The Past Controls The Future

“Who Controls The Past Controls The Future. Even as the academic discipline of history is in crisis, public concern about historical memory has reached a fever pitch” (Gilman 2021).

25 June 2021
Nis Gilman
Noema Magazine

The Pandemic Proves Only Technocrats Can Save Us

“In technocracies, competence, public spirit, and key performance indicators are more important than cults of personality or popularity contests. Populist dilettantes...mocked the experts...their megalomaniacal hijacking of the state in times of crisis serves as a stark reminder that when it’s a matter of life and death, we’d better trust the technocrats” (Parag Khanna, 2021).

24 June 2021
Parag Khanna
Foreign Policy

India Drops a Bombshell

India is “abolishing its centuries-old Ordnance Factory Board. That won’t fix the problems that plague its military equipment” (Sumit Ganguly, 2021).

24 June 2021
Sumit Ganguly
Foreign Policy
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