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1102 results:

Facebook Has Been a Disaster for the World

“​​Facebook has been incredibly lucrative for its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, who ranks among the wealthiest men in the world. But it’s been a disaster for the world itself, a powerful vector for…

With Freedom at Stake, Courts Are Collapsing

“The rise of right-wing populist leaders in several countries has brought immense attention to the use of executive power, in popular debate and among constitutional scholars across presidential and…

Reform the Police? Guess Who Funds My State's Officials

“But in the end, even here, it was essentially business as usual in a State Capitol where police unions have long wielded enormous power. The measures that passed this year were either…

The Pandemic Was Supposed to Be Great for Strongmen. What Happened?

“The protests in Belarus should force us to rethink the relationship between the pandemic and authoritarianism. Does the virus infect our societies with authoritarian governance or, alternatively,…

Mark Zuckerberg is the Most Powerful Unelected Man in America

“Facebook wins in every direction. Its size and power creates instability, the answer to which, according to Facebook, is to give the company additional authority” (Charlie Warzel, 2020).

Which Past is Prologue?

“Although the damage is difficult to measure, the United States has lost much of its moral authority...will the coming decades bring a new Cold War, with China cast as the Soviet Union and the rest…

A Democratic Doomsday?

“For years, liberal democracies have been beset by deepening political polarization, declining confidence in the rule of law, and widespread institutional decay. With the COVID-19 crisis accelerating…

An American Disaster Foretold

““It’s lonely being a European today,” Delattre mused. Russia is hostile. China is hostile. Emerging powers view the postwar multilateral organizations which Europe prizes as relics of a world made…

Populism Will Survive The Pandemic

“The conclusion that populists’ shambolic handling of this crisis must be bad for populism as a whole is ultimately ignores the fact that populism has been a permanent feature of modern…

Stocks are Soaring. So is Misery

“The economy probably doesn’t feel so great to the millions of workers who still haven’t gotten their jobs back and who have just seen their unemployment benefits slashed. The $600 a week…