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“This briefing paper provides an overview of the approach underlying EA” and “concludes that policy makers...must instead concentrate on understanding the confounding structural causes of interdependent global challenges and aim at their long-term solution, within an overarching human rights framework” (Seitz 2019).
Autocracy and Variation in Economic Development Outcomes
This paper discusses “the vast variation in development outcomes among autocracies, focusing on economic growth. It highlight plausible explanations of this variation pertaining to features of the leader, institutions, or the regime’s support coalition. It presents patterns and tests corroborating that variation in growth is higher among autocracies than democracies" (Carl Henrik Knutsen, 2018).
Global Democracy for Europeans: A Demographic Story
"Insofar as democracy is a product of long-term diffusion, scholars generally focus on colonialism (especially English) or religion (especially Protestant). Here, we focus on a third pathway from Europe – Europeans. We show that there is a persistent relationship between the share of Europeans in a society and its regime type" (Gerring and Apfeld, 2018).
Rethinking Consensus vs. Majoritarian Democracy
"Arend Lijphart's distinction between two dimensions of consensus and majoritarian democracy has been an influential concept. However, several scholars have reported that the distinction does not travel well to other regions or historical periods. This paper argues, more generally, that Lijphart's dimensions can be replicated only when using Lijphart's own data" (Coppedge 2018).
Successful and Failed Episodes of Democratization: Conceptualization, Identification, and Description
"What explains successful democratization? In this paper, we propose a solution that allows researchers more fully to capture the liberalization period and then classify these episodic events according to their outcome: successful, failed, or censored episodes of democratization" (Lindberg et al., 2018).
Rethinking “democratic backsliding” in Central and Eastern Europe – looking beyond Hungary and Poland
"This essay introduces contributions to a special issue of East European Politics on “Rethinking democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe”, which seeks to expand the study of democratic regression in CEE beyond the paradigmatic cases of Hungary and Poland" (Cianettia, Dawsonb, and Hanley, 2018).
Patterns of competitive authoritarianism in the Western Balkans
"The countries of the Western Balkans during the 1990s were dominated by competitive authoritarian regimes that combined multi-party elections with nationalist rhetoric and the privatisation of the state to affiliated business interests… This article will argue that the current competitive authoritarian systems … are structurally different from those of the 1990s" (Bieber 2018).
The Populist Challenge to the European Court of Human Rights
“This article analyzes the position of the” European Court of Human Rights concerning the “unprecedented wave of populism in Europe” and “argues that the rise of populism not only intensifies the pressure on the ECtHR, it poses a serious and distinctive challenge to the ECHR” (Petrov 2018).
The UN Foundation - A foundation for the UN?
“This working paper builds on the analysis elaborated in the 2015 publication “Fit for Whose Purpose?”” and examines “the evolution of the UN Foundation” “in the context of today’s re-evaluation of multilateralism” (Adams and Martens, 2018).
Policy Recommendations: China
“The Chinese government’s efforts to tighten control at home and expand authoritarian tactics abroad present a threat to global democracy… we see increasingly aggressive efforts by the CCP to export repression through the spread of global censorship, propaganda, contro,...harassment of dissidents” and “abuse of democratic systems” (Freedom House).
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