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Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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I’ve Dealt With Foreign Cyberattacks. America Isn’t Ready for What’s Coming.

Russia’s war on Ukraine might be that “future emergency.” If we don’t want to have to worry about Russian hackers contaminating our drinking water every time we turn on the faucet, now is the time to rethink our approach.

4 March 2022
Glenn S. Gerstell

The Week That Awoke the World

Over the last several years, that famous poem has been quoted countless times: “The centre cannot hold,” William Butler Yeats wrote, before adding, “The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.” People cited it so often because it was true. But it was not so true this past week.

3 March 2022
David Brooks

The West must now look outward and inward

The divide between the Global North and the Global South has now been shown to be conceptually naïve, economically unreliable, and politically dangerous. Democracy is now more in danger in the places where it is practiced than in regions that have hardly known it at all. It is now imperative that intellectual effort and material resources be urgently re-allocated to buttress democracy at home. This is the pre-eminent lesson to be drawn from the Ukraine fait accompli

1 March 2022
Anthony Kefalas

Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war

The Russians may yet conquer Ukraine. But Ukrainians have shown in the past few days that they will not let them hold it

28 February 2022
Yuval Noah Harari

By Crossing The Line In Ukraine, Putin Fortifies It Everywhere Else

Clearly, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a defining moment in history. What that definition will be remains unclear. All bets are off if Russian nukes enter the picture.

28 February 2022
Nathan Gardels

We Are All Living in Vladimir Putin’s World Now

What we called the 30-year peace that followed the Cold War has now ended. Future historians will look at these last decades, by and large, much like they look at the interwar period, as an opportunity squandered.

27 February 2022
Ivan Krastev

The Kremlin’s Gas Wars

ith the right steps, Brussels can implement such a strategy promptly and in an economically feasible manner. But it will need to act quickly. If it fails to do so, the European Union could face a growing energy crisis, leaving Moscow further emboldened to weaponize the world’s energy supplies.

27 February 2022
Niclas Poitiers, Simone Tagliapietra, Guntram B. Wolff, and Georg Zachmann

Green gaslighting: Another face of climate denialism

Commitment to immediate and comprehensive action should have been made at the much-awaited UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow last year. Instead, governments, financial institutions and corporations made pledges about reaching “net zero” emissions, building “climate resilience” and “ending deforestation”.

25 February 2022
Vijay Kolinjivadi

We’ve Entered a New Phase of the Pandemic. It’s Time for New Metrics.

New guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for community masking are a welcome change. They are reasonable, well-timed and consistent with the science that needs to be guiding the United States’ pandemic response. They also mark a turning point for how people, institutions and governments should respond to the coronavirus.

25 February 2022
Ashish Jha

Russia already is destabilizing Latin American democracy — without military might

Although the threat of Russian military bases in Latin America may be seen as bluster, the reality is that Putin does not need them to exert his damaging influence in the region. He has long taken advantage of regional political dynamics to destabilize what Russia considers an American “sphere of influence.”

24 February 2022
Carlos Vecchio
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