Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Keynote speech

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Business Ethics, Anti-corruption and transparency

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Student Debate: "Democracy is Dead"

Six international teams compete and debate on the topic of “Democracy is Dead”

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Google Hangout: Privacy vs. Security

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Is Liberal Democracy Compatible with Religion?

The time-honored principles in liberal democracies on the separation of church and state and on

freedom of worship is challenged by devout believers who disagree with civic dress codes, or

same-sex marriage, or military duty

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Democracy and Business

Is democracy good for business, and is business good for democracy? Do the inclusive

institutions of democracy promote entrepreneurship, leading to more growth and job creation, or

do they constrain it? Are entrepreneurs a natural constituency for democratic change, or do they

use their power and influence to shape the rules of the game in their favor?

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

The Attraction of the Big Man

Voters in a number of countries around the world have enthusiastically backed authoritarian

leaders. Many reasons for this are evidently at play: a longing for stability, corruption, a sense of

estrangement from the political process, and ignorance about democracy. Are established

democracies right to condemn these tendencies, or are they a valid democratic choice?

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Migration: The plight of the needy and oppressed

In Europe, the vast influx of refugees from Islamic countries has sparked an often bitter debate about identity and inclusiveness. In the United States, illegal immigrants have become a major issue in the presidential race. Elsewhere around the world, millions of people fleeing repression, violence or poverty have overwhelmed refugee services.

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Keynote Speech

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson. Former Governor General of Canada delivers a speech on the refugee crisis, her history as a refugee, and the importance of democracy and democratic values in providing opportunities to those fleeing their countries in search of a better life, and how they enrich the communities and countries that take them in.

11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum

The Challenge of Cybersecurity

The digital age has put our lives out on the marketplace, and we have begun to push back.

Where is the line between privacy and cybersecurity? Who decides how much access governments should have to our data? Who owns the information about us that is out there forever?


11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum
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