
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

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Biden’s Democracy Summit Success Now Depends on Allies

U.S. President Joe Biden’s best moment at last week’s Summit for Democracy was when he declared “democracy needs champions” before the most impressive gathering of potential champions of democracy ever assembled. Only the United States could have done this, even with its own recent setbacks on the march toward a better democracy. But if Biden wants to shift from symbolism to what he promised would be a “year in action,” he will need to pass more of the initiative to U.S. allies.

14 December 2021
Michael J. Green

Independent Journalism Is at Risk. Here’s How to Save It.

It will take more than speeches — or indeed Nobel prizes — to save independent journalism.

13 December 2021
Maria Ressa and Mark Thompson

Why Do We Ignore How the Other Half Lives?

Confined to our own bubbles, we are less informed about people who lead entirely different cultural, social and political lives.

13 December 2021
Jane Coaston

We’re Edging Closer to Civil War

I see too many uneasy parallels between what was happening nearly 200 years ago and what is happening now over abortion.

13 December 2021
Charles M. Blow

Great Protocol Politics

The 21st century doesn’t belong to China, the United States, or Silicon Valley. It belongs to the internet.

11 December 2021
Parag Khanna, Balaji S. Srinivasan

Boris Johnson and the Virtue of Accountability

A central advantage of genuinely democratic societies is that their leaders cannot get away indefinitely with bad, corrupt, or self-serving behavior. At long last, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson now seems to be finding that out.

10 December 2021

When Democracy Gets Old

Beyond a respect for basic democratic processes and values, one thing that the world's democracies share is that they are all skewing older. Insofar as this trend leaves them more risk-averse and less capable of generating a long-term vision, it may be time to consider lowering the voting age.

8 December 2021

What Biden’s Democracy Summit Is Missing

Democracy as it was envisioned was never about real people power. That’s what needs to change.

7 December 2021
Hélène Landemore

Why Isn't Washington Merry?

With yet another new viral strain threatening the recovery, US President Joe Biden's honeymoon period is long over, as evidenced by his falling approval ratings. But, in fact, morale is declining on both sides of the aisle as politicians navigate the no man's land between ineffectiveness and extremism.

7 December 2021

Europe's Time to Shine

The European Union has long been a prime-mover in environmental and climate policy, as demonstrated by a series of major initiatives launched in recent years. But whether the EU can serve as a global climate leader will depend largely on whether it can overcome domestic resistance to decarbonization and new fiscal rules.

4 December 2021
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