Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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The G20’s Missed Opportunity

“With dozens of low- and middle-income countries facing debt distress and compounding risks from climate change, continuing to delay inevitable sovereign-debt restructurings will have dire consequences. Despite the growing risks, the G20's response still has not matched the scale of the challenge” (Akhtar et. al., 2021).

12 April 2021
Shamshad Akhtar, Ulrich Volz, Moritz Kraemer, Stephany Griffith-Jones
Project Syndicate

The Importance of Democracy

This article explores “What exactly is meant when people say ‘democracy’? Why is it assumed democracy should be the preferred form of government in the world? How does it compare to other models for political organization?” and the widespread understanding that “democracy is under threat” (Wallace et al., 2021).

11 April 2021
Jon Wallace, Hans Kundnani, Elizabeth Donnelly
Chatham House

China Has an Image Problem—but Knows How to Fix It

“Around the world, unfavorable views of China have reached unprecedented heights in the last year, with the percentage of individuals having no confidence in Chinese leadership to “do the right thing” in world affairs rising by more than 15 percent across countries like Australia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom” (Brian Y. S. Wong, 2021).

6 April 2021
Brian Y.S. Wong
Foreign Policy

China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline

“Chinese leaders...think that assertiveness is rational” and “believe that China has numbers on its side as a world order emerges in which developing countries demand, and are accorded, more sway” and that “America is in long-term, irreversible decline” (The Economist, 2021).

3 April 2021
The Economist

Why the EU’s covid-19 vaccination programme went wrong

“​​It is true that some European countries have high levels of vaccine hesitancy when it comes to adult vaccination and that some suffer from inefficient public institutions. But the fact that all the bloc’s members are doing badly compared with peers elsewhere strongly suggests a shared procurement problem” (The Economist, 2021).

3 April 2021
The Economist

A Just Climate Transition for Africa

“​In 2021, developed countries must work with low-income, developing, and emerging economies to chart a path toward a low-carbon future – and clear barriers to progress. This means, first and foremost, delivering the funding they promised” (Ikeazor 2021).

1 April 2021
Sharon Ikeazor
Project Syndicate

The Absent Voices of Development Economics

“Development economics focuses on improving the well-being of billions of people in low-income countries, but the Global South is severely underrepresented in the field. A small number of rich-country institutions dominate, and their growing use of randomized controlled trials in research is entrenching the imbalance” (Subramanian and Kapur, 2021).

26 March 2021
Arvind Subramanian, Devesh Kapur
Project Syndicate

The New Concert of Powers

“Great-power contests over hierarchy and ideology regularly lead to major wars. Averting this outcome requires soberly acknowledging that the Western-led liberal order that emerged after World War II cannot anchor global stability in the twenty-first century. The search is on for a viable and effective way forward” (Haass and Kupchan, 2021).

23 March 2021
Richard N. Haass and Charles A. Kupchan
Foreign Affairs

A Global Green Deal

“By strengthening its emissions-reduction targets and investing heavily in clean energy, greentech, and research and development, the European Union has positioned itself as a global climate leader. It now must continue to lead by example while also doing more to help others achieve their climate ambitions” (Ursula Von Der Leyen and Werner Hoyer, 2021).

22 March 2021
Ursula Von Der Leyen, Werner Hoyer
Project Syndicate

The U.S. and China Finally Get Real With Each Other

The U.S.-China meeting “would have been a failure if it had resulted in general declarations to cooperate while minimizing competition...organizing the relationship around cooperation is theoretically desirable as an end goal but will be unattainable for the foreseeable future, given the unfolding reality of an assertive, repressive China and a defiant America” (Thomas Wright, 2021).

21 March 2021
Thomas Wright
The Atlantic
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