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1102 results:

I Used to Think the Remedy for Bad Speech Was More Speech. Not Anymore.

“Cyber-libertarianism, the ethos of the internet with roots in 18th-century debate about the free market of ideas, has failed us miserably. Well after the pandemic is over, the infodemic will rage on…

The Powerful New Financial Argument for Fossil-Fuel Divestment

“A report by BlackRock, the world’s largest investment house, shows that those who have divested have profited not only morally but also financially” (Bill McKibben, 2021)

China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline

“Chinese leaders...think that assertiveness is rational” and “believe that China has numbers on its side as a world order emerges in which developing countries demand, and are accorded, more sway”…

Why the EU’s covid-19 vaccination programme went wrong

“​​It is true that some European countries have high levels of vaccine hesitancy when it comes to adult vaccination and that some suffer from inefficient public institutions. But the fact that all…

Research Proves It: There’s No Such Thing as Noblesse Oblige

“What are the social and psychological ramifications of being on top of the economic food chain, of occupying positions of privilege? Wealth-related differences in attitudes and behavior are…

The Mission-Oriented Government

“Instead of having an industrial strategy that is a list of sectors it’s going to give subsidies to... the question should be: What are the problems you’re facing...and then work backward to figure…

China Has an Image Problem—but Knows How to Fix It

“Around the world, unfavorable views of China have reached unprecedented heights in the last year, with the percentage of individuals having no confidence in Chinese leadership to “do the right…

The Mother of News Stories

“An issue as consequential as climate change demands far more independent reporting than it is currently receiving. Without hard-hitting, accurate, and compelling reporting and analysis of the…

How Authoritarians Turn Rural Areas Into Their Strongholds

“Most authoritarian governments seek first and foremost to entrench their power. These governments would rather control their rural populations than see them thrive and become autonomous. For…

France Knows How This Ends

This article compares contemporary politics in the U.S. to the Dreyfus affairs and explains that the deep problem is that “so many in Trump’s mob—like so many of his supporters in general—remain…