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From "Elite Charade" to Real Change

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Information Wars

In recent months the multi-front battle between social media platforms, its users and

authorities who would regulate them has accelerated even further. What role does or should

government play in keeping platforms honest and their users safe? And what tools can help

citizens be more engaged?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Beyond "Big Bad Tech": A Search for Solutions

In times of unrest – from protests to pandemics -- technology can play a crucial role in

disseminating information. It is also being used to help track and contain the virus. But there’s

no question that privacy can also be compromised, and that autocratic forces are continuing

to harness restrictive measures and social media in the service of their own nefarious goals.

As we look to the future, how can technology help find a way out of the quagmire?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

The Age of Citizens

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

The Strong and the Weak

It has been 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall seemed to put an end to history, liberating

humankind to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Turned out it doesn’t work that

way, and a new breed of strongmen have thrown up new walls built on nationalism,

intolerance, fear and nostalgia for the illusion of a simpler past. Authoritarian impulses have in

turn wrought concerns like mass migration, climate change and economic inequality, and

starkly contrasting reactions to the current crises. What is the antidote?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Global Institutions: What Purpose in the Modern World?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Pandemics, Collective Action and Human Rights

Experts and students discuss the main points raised during the day’s sessions on business, migration, and climate change, and propose ideas for policy recommendations. Many of the points raised focused on the effect of COVID-19 exposing and exacerbating the existing problems concerning human rights.

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Covering the U.S. Elections

Serge Schmemann of the NYT Editorial Board and David Sanger, National Security Correspondent for the NYT, discuss the heated 2020 Presidential Debate between President Donald Trump and Candidate Joe Biden, as well as concerns regarding voting intimidation, election disinformation, signalling to Russia, and more.

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Climate Change, Covid19 and Human Rights (with Council of Europe)

When the world came grinding to a halt this year, climate change – and its causes – were brought into even starker relief. The panel will discuss the importance of climate change as a global event with a global impact. What lessons has the pandemic taught us about what progress might be possible? And what are the implications for human rights?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Migration and Human Rights (with Council of Europe)

Wars, economic dislocation and climate change have pushed people from their homelands,

shifting migration patterns along the way. What has the impact been on social cohesion and

human rights, especially for children and youth? How does (or could) education come into play?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum
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