“With NFTs, we’ve come yet another step closer to fully digitizing our lives...they are digital files that are stored using a technology called blockchain, which is essentially a digital ledger.…
The U.S.-China meeting “would have been a failure if it had resulted in general declarations to cooperate while minimizing competition...organizing the relationship around cooperation is…
“By strengthening its emissions-reduction targets and investing heavily in clean energy, greentech, and research and development, the European Union has positioned itself as a global climate leader.…
“But Sanders’s two presidential campaigns are part of the reason that the Democratic Party had moved, and the politics of the moment had changed. And so I’ve wondered what Sanders makes of this…
“Great-power contests over hierarchy and ideology regularly lead to major wars. Averting this outcome requires soberly acknowledging that the Western-led liberal order that emerged after World War II…
“Depending on whom you ask, the transaction is an example of a thrilling new path for ownership in a digital world that allows creators to sell things directly with no intermediaries, or it’s a total…
“Development economics focuses on improving the well-being of billions of people in low-income countries, but the Global South is severely underrepresented in the field. A small number of…
“The Chinese leadership is charting a course ahead that depends less on the West. It will become more self-reliant on its own state-driven technological innovation and domestic consumer market while…
“The dilemma of self-regulation—to platform or deplatform—becomes more complicated when social media becomes a gallery for illicit activities. Though one could argue Silicon Valley bears some…