Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.
Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content. Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.
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Economic Crisis and Regime Transitions from Within
"Populism and its relationship with modern democracy has gained considerable attention in recent years. This paper aims at advancing our understanding of how populism affects different models of democracy and tests the proposed arguments empirically… We take stock of existing arguments and theorize which democratic models may be affected by populism" (Ruth-Lovell, Lührmann, and Grahn, 2018).
A Human and Constitutional Right to a Quality Public Education: Looking Ahead in the Struggle for the Rights of Teachers, Parents, and Students
The authors use the Declaration of Human Rights and the U.S. Constitution as a lens through which they examine how to ensure quality education and labor protections as fundamental human rights, why ensuring those rights is necessary, and how these protections can bring change and justice to classrooms.
Education for Preventing Violent Extremism
This report “presents key recommendations, challenges, actionable solutions, and practical examples for policymakers to implement appropriate educational approaches to preventing violent extremism (PVE) in the formal education setting” and “seeks to integrate informal education” and suggest ways “the formal education sector and informal education overlap” (Club de Madrid, 2019).
Empowering EU against state capture through a new monitoring tool
"State capture...is a specific security risk for the EU" and "there is a lack of proper prevention and detection tools in place to curb corruption effectively in its many forms and across the different jurisdictions in the EU... As corrupt practices evolve, EU Member States need to respond by deepening their capacity to tackle new and more complex forms but also to better share existing knowledge" (Mideva and Todor Galev, 2019).
The overlooked side of the ecological transition
“This discussion paper aims to stimulate a debate on how to support a sustainable ecological transition, taking into consideration aspects ranging from cost, financing and the facilitation of a whole-of-society approach to decarbonisation” and addresses “dilemmas that are regularly overlooked in the conversation on the ecological transition” (European Commission, 2019).
Data in Government
"The massive proliferation of data has fundamentally changed the systems of modern governance and development… This paper outlines how governments can harness data to advance their agendas and meet changing citizen expectations surround service delivery and technology" (Institute for State Effectiveness, 2019).
Who Influences whom in the policy arena? Statisticians seek greater voice
“Propelled by national demand for greater access to and control over Big Data, panelists at the seminar on financing data and statistics side event were asked how National Statistical Offices (NSOs) could be better supported in “their institutional transformation from producers of statistics to data stewards.” (Adams and Judd, 2019).
The Internet's Challenge to Democracy: Framing the Problem and Assessing Reforms
This paper examines how “concern that the most democratic features of the internet are, in fact, endangering democracy itself” wherein “democracies pay a price for internet freedom...in the form of disinformation, hate speech, incitement, and foreign interference in elections” and face economic challenges” (Persily, 2019).
When Democracy has a Fever: States of Emergency as a Symptom and Accelerator of Autocratization
"States of emergency grant chief executives the power to bypass democratic constraints in order to combat existential threats... States of emergency should be associated with a heightened risk of autocratization... This paper tests this relationship using data on sixty democracies for 1974 to 2016" (Lührman and Rooney, 2019).
A Fatal Attraction?
This paper examined the 50th Session of the UN Statistical Commission and the theme of “the often tense interface between data and policy-making and the asymmetrical power dynamics that shape it” (Adams and Judd, 2019).
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